Climate Action 100+

Company power asset data

Among other insights, the table shows an overview of a company’s power generation capabilities, including:

  • Ownership – percentage held in each power generation unit offers insights into the company’s stake and control in these assets
  • Capacity – power generation potential of each unit
  • Location – geographic distribution of units
  • Retirement year – planned retirement dates for each unit –if any— indicates an approach to future energy transition plans
  • Paris-aligned retirement year – planned retirement dates for each unit, based on the CTI NetZero by 2050 scenario
  • Operating costs – the marginal cost of electricity generated by each unit, including fixed and variable O&M costs, fuel costs, carbon and other pollution control technology costs

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AES Corporation

AES Corporation coal units

Click on a column name to sort.

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Tracker ID Plant Unit Fuel type Status Country State/Region Longitude Latitude Owned Capacity (MW) Total Capacity (MW) Start Year Age (years) Planned retirement year Ownership (%) Retirement year recommended by CTI Total cost (US$/MWh) 2023
G100057 AES Puerto Rico power station AES Puerto Rico power station Unit 1 Bituminous Operating United States Puerto Rico -66.149 17.946 262 262 2002 22 2025 100 2025 62
G100058 AES Puerto Rico power station AES Puerto Rico power station Unit 2 Bituminous Operating United States Puerto Rico -66.149 17.946 262 262 2002 22 2025 100 2025 62
G100063 AES Warrior Run Generation Plant AES Warrior Run Generation Plant Unit 1 Bituminous Operating United States Maryland -78.745 39.596 229 229 1999 25 2025 100 2025 71
G106060 Kyger Creek Station Kyger Creek Station Unit 1 Bituminous Operating United States Ohio -82.128 38.916 10.6 217.2 1955 69 2025 4.9 2025 47
G106061 Kyger Creek Station Kyger Creek Station Unit 2 Bituminous Operating United States Ohio -82.128 38.916 10.6 217.2 1955 69 2025 4.9 2025 49
G106062 Kyger Creek Station Kyger Creek Station Unit 3 Bituminous Operating United States Ohio -82.128 38.916 10.6 217.2 1955 69 2025 4.9 2025 48
G106063 Kyger Creek Station Kyger Creek Station Unit 4 Bituminous Operating United States Ohio -82.128 38.916 10.6 217.2 1955 69 2025 4.9 2025 48
G106064 Kyger Creek Station Kyger Creek Station Unit 5 Bituminous Operating United States Ohio -82.128 38.916 10.6 217.2 1955 69 2025 4.9 2025 47
15 rows
  1. Data (Sep 2023),
  2. ...


  • Tracker ID - Unique identifier for each power plant, based on Global Energy Monitor data
  • Capacity (MW) - Nameplate power capacity of each unit
  • Age (years) - Age of each unit, relative to the current year
  • Planned Retirement Year - Planned retirement dates for each unit, based on company announcements
  • Retirement Year Recommended By CTI - Planned retirement dates for each unit, based on the CTI NetZero by 2050 scenario, which is inferred from the IEA Net Zero by 2050 scenario
  • Total Cost (US$/MWh) 2023 - Marginal cost of electricity generated by each unit in 2023, including fixed and variable O&M costs, fuel costs, carbon and other pollution control technology costs
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